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「翁狄森映意」翁狄森個人黑白攝影展 Dickson Yewn Slowness





如有查詢,請致電美術館 2690 6790。

地點:香港九龍觀塘海濱道165號SML大廈4樓 — 《一新美術館》



Black-and-white photography accentuates the play of light and shadows. Even without vibrant colouration, its monochrome qualities highlight the image’s composition and lines, enriching the photograph with poetic ambience and imaginations. Dickson Yewn is a renowned Hong Kong jewellery designer and a great art lover with an affection for monochrome photography. He studied fine art in Paris and conceptual photography in New York. The exhibition showcases Yewn's landscape and still-life photography taken during his travel around China over the past decade. He cleverly used a smart phone camera to imitate the visual effect of platinum printing process developed in the 19th century. Demonstrating a delicate scale of black-and-white tonality, his photographs look as if they are painted in ink.

**In the light of the latest government measures related to Covid-19 pandemic, Sun Museum continues to close to the public until further notice.

The exhibition of "Dickson Yewn Slowness" will extend to March 2021. Please pay attention to the updated review of exhibition period and opening hours.

You are welcome to visit online exhibitions at the Sun Museum's website.

For enquiries, please call at 2690 6790.

Address: Sun Museum, 4th Floor, SML Tower, 165 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Free Admission


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