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同理·童理 小小創意營 BEING BEINGS Mini-camp


世界每日在變,問題天天都多。身為地球公民,應學懂感他人所感,對身邊的人、事、物作出回應 — 同理心,本於此。


今年PMQ元創方跨界夥拍多個創意團隊及單位,由「同理心」出發,配合不同生活情境,讓孩子親歷「設計思維」。透過這套解決問題的方法論,體驗「Empathize 心」、「Define 釋」、「Ideate 想」、「Prototype 做」及「Test 試」,帶領孩子以多角度思考去了解用家的需要及問題,從而構想解決方案,再予以實行,經歷創作過程必經的嘗試、失敗到完善解決之路,學習團隊溝通及合作精神。《BEING BEINGS 同理・童理》計劃培養孩子的同理心,同時鼓勵他們發展創意思維。



「BEING BEINGS 同理·童理 小小創意營」專為5至8歲的孩子及其家長而設。導師團隊由綠腳丫創辦人柯佳列(Kenny Or)和心理學家李偉堂博士(Dr. Ernest Lee)主理,小小創意營以繪本作引子,帶領小朋友和家長體驗設計思維,鼓勵參與者在日常生活中嘗試觀察並設身處地感其他人、事、物所感。

創意營內容涵蓋三大部分:家長講座*、「同理·同行」繪本展選書共讀及導賞*與網上親子設計工作坊《玩具急救室》。在綠腳丫創辦人柯佳列(Kenny Or)和心理學家李偉堂博士(Dr. Ernest Lee)共同主講的家長講座中, 爸爸媽媽可先從日常例子和相關的繪本,以童眼看世界,並了解同理心教育的要點和技巧;再透過繪本展選書共讀及導賞,與孩子一同探討成長的課題,為他們的人生路播下一顆顆同理心的種子。最後,在網上親子工作坊中,Kenny會以繪本《當一天玩具》出發,聯同設計師吳桂勳(Icy Ng)一同引導小朋友以設計思維思考和同理玩具的處境與困難,透過修補「不完美」的木陀螺,學習真正善待並珍惜所擁有的一切。




每班人數:每班 12對親子






We are born to be creative.

The world is changing every single day with new challenges emerging every single minute. As a member of the global village, we should learn to step into others’ shoes, and respond to the happenings and people around us – and this is the ultimate essence of ‘empathy’.

The root of creativity and the purpose of design relies on our ability to think and see with different perspectives. The process of practising creativity is indeed a set of design thinking that begins with empathy.

This year PMQ collaborates with multidisciplinary creative partners and organisations to introduce design thinking to our kids through empathy in different daily contexts. Kids can experience this problem-solving methodology through iterative process, namely ‘Empathize’, ‘Define’, ‘Ideate’, ‘Prototype’, and ‘Test’. They will be encouraged to think with different angles in order to understand the users’ needs and problems; and from that, develop possible solutions, and through realization they will struggle through the process of ‘attempt, failure, and improve’, and finally ‘succeed’. Interpersonal communications and collaboration will also be important elements throughout the whole training.

Programme description

Let’s unlock the key to children’s growth with picture books!

BEING BEINGS Mini-camp is designed for children from age 5 to 8 and their parents. Our team of tutors led by Kenny Or, founder of Little Green Feet, together with psychologist Dr. Ernest Lee will incorporate a selection of picture books in the camp to allow participants to experience design thinking by learning to observe and be empathetic of their surroundings.

The camp consists of three parts: a seminar for parents*, a selected book sharing and guided tour of “Being With You” Picture book Exhibition*, and “The Toy Emergency Room”—an online design workshop for families. In the seminar hosted by Kenny Or and Dr. Ernest Lee, parents are encouraged to view the world from a child’s perspective through everyday examples and picture books, while learning about the practical techniques of giving empathy education to children. Then, with the book sharing and guided tour of our picture book exhibition, parents can explore the topic of personal growth with their kids, sowing in them the seeds of empathy for their life journey ahead. Lastly, starting with a story about toys, Kenny and designer Icy Ng will guide young participants to empathize with their playthings by applying the design thinking mindset, they will learn to treat and treasure what they own with kindness as they go on to repair and decorate an “imperfect” wooden spinning top.

*Corresponding content will be distributed to participants in the form of pre-recorded videos.

Date: Jan 9 – Jan 17, 2021

Format: Online workshop Class size: 12 pairs of parent-child Target: Local kindergarten and primary students promoting to K3 – P2 and their parents Language: Cantonese Fee: Free (An amount of HKD$100 shall be paid as deposit, the full deposit will be refunded upon completion of the programme) Registration link: POPTicket


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