自宋代 (960–1279) 起至清代 (1644–1911),工匠以梭子和針為筆、以絲線為彩,創作織繡書畫。織工和繡工的巧手將緙絲和刺繡幻化成觀賞性藝術品──一種集繪畫、書法、手工梭織或刺繡之美於一身的藝術形式。正是這種跨媒介特質,讓栩栩如生的緙繡書畫在中國視覺文化中持續享有獨特的地位。
展出日期:2020年12月2日(星期三)至 2021年3月14日(星期日) 開放時間: 星期二至星期六,上午9時30分至下午6時 星期日,下午1時至6時 逢星期一、大學及公眾假期休息 地點:香港薄扶林般咸道90號 港大美術博物館馮平山樓1樓及2樓 電話/ 電郵:(852) 2241 5500 (一般查詢) / 費用:免費入場 詳情請參閱:
港大美術博物館·社交媒體連結: Facebook: Instagram: @umag_hku, #UMAG, #ChineseTextiles, #UMAGCollection Weibo: @香港大學美術博物館UMAG YouTube: LinkedIn:
The University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) will present Pictorial Silks: Chinese Textiles from the UMAG Collection from December 2, 2020 to March 14, 2021. Prized by Chinese and foreign merchants as an essential commodity along a vast trade network, silk served multiple roles throughout the ancient world: as fabric for garments, as a form of currency and method of tax payment, and as a medium and subject matter for professional artists and the literati class. Over the centuries, silk fabrics have remained synonymous with beauty and are entwined throughout the history of Chinese art and literature.
Beginning in the Song dynasty (960 -1279) and flourishing into the Qing (1644 -1911), craftsmen took up shuttles and needles as their brushes and silk threads as their pigments, creating exquisitely woven and embroidered pictorial and calligraphic works. In the hands of the weavers and embroiderers, weft-woven silk tapestry (kesi) and embroidery (cixiu) evolved into an art form—a fusion of painting, calligraphy and hand weaving or embroidering for aesthetic appreciation. When viewed together, the interdisciplinary nature of these vivid depictions of images and text occupy a unique and unbroken place within the history of Chinese visual culture.
Extending from the Qing dynasty to the mid-20th century, UMAG’s silk textile collection encompasses a diverse range of subjects and formats that include hanging scrolls, framed panels, banners and robes. Each artwork exemplifies the sophisticated craftsmanship of the artisans and the collective stories of the Qing dynasty’s textile industry.
Exhibition Period: December 2, 2020 (Wednesday) to March 14, 2021 (Sunday) Opening Hours: 9:30 pm – 6:00 pm (Tuesday to Saturday) 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm (Sunday) Closed on Mondays, University and Public Holidays Venue: 1/F - 2/F Fung Ping Shan Building, UMAG, HKU, 90 Bonham Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong Tel/Email: (852) 2241 5500 (General Enquiry) / Admission: Free Website:
Connect with UMAG on Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: @umag_hku, #UMAG, #ChineseTextiles, #UMAGCollection Weibo: @香港大學美術博物館UMAG YouTube: LinkedIn: