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盡演(芭蕾)藝術節──《古典芭蕾冇有怕:〈仙履奇緣〉篇》turn(it)out festival: Ballet Classics for Children: Cinderella



日期:2021年3月30日-2021年4月4日 (二至日)


地點: 香港芭蕾舞團網頁播放


Back by popular demand, Ballet Classics for Children: Cinderella returns online to bewitch audiences of all ages with its triumphant rags-to-riches story! Featuring fresh new choreography and direction by Septime Webre in collaboration with Ata Wong, and based on an original concept and script by Yuri Ng and Rick Lau, this entertaining one-hour adaptation of the classic fairy tale follows Cinderella, her Fairy Godmother and the handsome Prince on a whirlwind adventure to the Royal Ball where her enchanted transformation will only last until the clock strikes midnight! The ugly Stepsisters’ slapstick antics provide ample wit and humour to get the whole family giggling safe at home, and Hong Kong Ballet dancers show how heartbreak turns to joy as the power of love conquers all.

Date: 30 Mar 2021 - 4 Apr 2021 (Tue - Sun)

Starting time: 10am - 11:59pm

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