參展藝術家:桑山忠明 名坂有子 姜淼 Artists: Tadaaki Kuwayama, Yuko Nasaka, Jiang Miao

Whitestone Gallery Hong Kong is pleased to present “Intermixture Vol.2”, a sequel to the first “Intermixture” group exhibition in 2017. Following the idea from the first edition that the artists are using various materials and textures to form their unprecedented expressions, merging the boundary between paintings and sculptures, the second edition will also present these characteristics, and at the same time we encourage the viewers to find connections and new interpretations in their own ways. From motives, materials, techniques, colors and forms, there are elements that interweave with each other, creating sensations and space for thoughts for the viewers. The exhibition will feature works by Tadaaki Kuwayama, Yuko Nasaka, Jiang Miao, Masayuki Tsubota and Kim Deok Han. Intermixture Vol.2
白石畫廊: 香港
Whitestone Gallery: Hong Kong
Exhibition Date: 29.01 - 13.03.2021
開放時間:上午十一時至下午七時(逢星期日, 星期一及公眾假期公休)
Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00 (Closed: Sunday, Monday and Public Holidays)
地址:中環皇后大道中80號H Queen's 7, 8樓
Address: 7/F & 8/F, H Queen's, 80 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong
(852) 2523 8001